No matter how much diet and exercise is done, many patients would still find it hard to lose fat around the belly and waist. This is where belly fat removal surgery can help. If you are want to know more, please read this article and visit the page of DrTummyTuckMelbourne to read about belly surgery.

No matter how much diet and exercise is done, many patients would still find it hard to lose fat around the belly and waist. This is where belly fat removal surgery can help. If you are want to know more, please read this article and visit the page of DrTummyTuckMelbourne to read about belly surgery.

What is belly fat removal surgery?

This type of surgical procedure is also known as a panniculectomy procedure. It is exactly what its name suggests. It would target the fat in the abdominal area, one of the most difficult places of the body to get rid of fat in. In fact, many experts say that a belly fat removal surgery or tummy tuck is the only way to remove that unwanted tummy flab.

Is it the same as an abdominoplasty surgery?

Although both surgeries would target the same area, they are slightly different. A belly fat removal surgery would only target the removal of fat in the area. In contrast to a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty surgery that would remove excess fat and also tighten the abdominal muscle.

Side effects and risks

As with any procedure, there would be side effects. No surgery pro procedure would be 100% free of risks. Although most patients would be satisfied with the results of their panniculectomy, some risks would include poor healing of the surgical site, infection, skin loss, hematoma, and bleeding.belly fat removal surgery

To make sure that the risk for these side effects would be reduced, it would be a good idea to listen to the instructions of your surgeon before you get discharged from the hospital. They would usually tell you what to do, and what to avoid during the recovery phase. Follow these to the tee and your incision would most likely heal as it is meant to.

What to expect during recovery

As you recover from the belly fat removal surgery, expect that your doctor will schedule follow-up check-ups so that they can check on the surgical site. This would be for them to see to it that no infection is developing and also that the proper results have been achieved with the surgery.

Any pain that you would feel after the anesthesia has worn off would be normal. Your doctor would most likely prescribe painkillers for you, and you should follow the dosage instructions given while you recover. If the pain worsens or becomes unbearable at any point, contact your doctor immediately as this may be a sign of infection on the surgical site.

If you are considering having this type of surgery done, the first step would be to contact your doctor. They will be the most knowledgeable person to inform you about what the procedure entails, and they will also be able to answer any questions you might have about the risks that are involved with this type of surgery. Also, a good surgeon will be able to advise you and recommend other treatment options just in case they feel that a belly fat removal surgery is not right for you.

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Agatha Hansen

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