There are several treatment methods to straighten misaligned teeth. But the most common would be braces. In fact talking about braces, the famous invisalign has been gaining popularity across the Western countries. So the question is – is invisalign better than braces? Let’s get one thing straight — Invisalign braces is more expensive than traditional braces. Nevertheless, the cost is a minor drawback compared to the wonders it can bring to the wearer.
There are several treatment methods to straighten misaligned teeth. But the most common would be braces. In fact talking about braces, the famous invisalign has been gaining popularity across the Western countries. So the question is – is Invisalign better than braces? Let’s get one thing straight — Invisalign braces is more expensive than traditional braces. Nevertheless, the cost is a minor drawback compared to the wonders it can bring to the wearer.
Still, making a decision to whether opt for invisalign or the traditional braces can be challenging. That’s because each type has its own pros and cons. Hopefully, this article can give you sufficient guide to decide.
Traditional Braces are Better with Poor Tooth Alignment
When it comes to teeth alignment, the traditional braces will always get the prize as the much better option. It’s only when the issue is not that severe where you can opt for other options. But if the case is a severely rotated set of bicuspids, the best option will always be the metallic types.
Choosing Invisalign will be more challenging in terms of gripping on the rounded bicuspids as there’s a possibility of slipping. But with traditional braces, this can be a walk in the park.
Braces Focus on the Root Cause of the Problem
While invisalign targets the upper part of the tooth, traditional braces on the other hand address the root cause of the problem. The pressure it delivers targets the entire tooth, pushing it to its proper position, and that includes the root.
Why Choose Invisalign?
Of course, invisalign has its own benefits and there are certain cases where it’s a more preferable option than the traditional braces.
Invisalign Always Look So Much Better
When talking about appearance per se, invisalign always gets the winning prize. Take note that with traditional braces, you’re allowing yourself to have those metals attached to your teeth, regardless of their colors. Invisalign on the other hand is invisible, or at least barely noticeable.
Invisalign trays are composed of clear thermoplastic material that it can hardly be seen with the naked eye. The trays can also be customized to fit the wearer’s mouth. If you’re the type who doesn’t want other people to see that you’re wearing braces, invisalign is the best option for you.
Invisalign Can Be Removed Anytime
Unlike traditional braces which give you a hard time cleaning your teeth, you don’t have to experience this problem with invisalign. That’s because it can be removed, making tooth brushing and flossing very convenient.
Nevertheless, you need to be reminded though that removing your braces can delay the treatment process. It’s highly recommended to wear it 20 to 22 hours a day.
Invisalign Does Not Need Diet Modification
Chewy and hard foods are discouraged with traditional braces. But with invisalign, you can eat anything you want. You don’t even have to be troubled when it comes to food particles getting stuck on your braces since invisalign can be removed when you’re eating.
So, is invisalign better than braces? You need to consider your options first prior to making a decision. You can also visit this post about the best clear aligner brands if you’re looking for other alternatives.