Alternative options for giving you the confidence to smile again may depend on how much teeth remains on your mouth. Patients can choose from implant-supported, partial, full, bridges, or different types of materials. However, flexible dentures are what most dentists may recommend as the appliances are fast to produce. You can also learn more about flexi dentures at Some clinics already have this alternative for the past decades. Yet, many dental offices may have to assess if your mouth’s structure is perfect for the flexible dentures smile.
Alternative options for giving you the confidence to smile again may depend on how much teeth remains on your mouth. Patients can choose from implant-supported, partial, full, bridges, or different types of materials. However, flexible dentures are what most dentists may recommend as the appliances are fast to produce. You can also learn more about flexi dentures at Some clinics already have this alternative for the past decades. Yet, many dental offices may have to assess if your mouth’s structure is perfect for the flexible dentures smile. Altogether, dentures are highly beneficial for a person’s bite improvement or prevent oral diseases as people age.
What Are Flexible Dentures?
Why is it crucial to replace missing teeth? A person’s lack of teeth can affect how bacteria and germs grow in the gum line or on the tooth adjacent to it. If you don’t have a restorative treatment soon, you may have tooth decay or gingivitis unknowingly. A flexible denture differs from traditional denture because it’s mainly composed of thermoplastic. Thermoplastic materials are not a new technology in dentistry as dental professionals have used it for more than 30 years. Nylon, acrylic, or polyester are some of the affordable material for this denture. Products like Valplast, a partial soft denture are among the pioneers in the partial flexible denture industry.
Types of Available Flexible Dentures (Materials):
Don’t know which model to choose among these high-quality materials? Today there may be more than just Valplast as your option for flexible denture without worrying about metal materials. Your dentist may be the one to choose which is best for you. Also, you may opt for what is best according to your budget. A flexible denture can cost out of pocket money expenses. So, individuals must prepare for health insurance subscription to pay for the cost of a partial or full flexible denture.
- Polycarbonates
- Polypropylene
- Polyester (polyethylene terephthalate)
- Nylon (Polyamides)
- Acrylics (polymethylmethacrylate; PMMA)Acetal resin (polyoxymethylene)
6 Reasons To Switch To Flexible Dentures
Are you still wearing your old and conventional base support? If your upper or lower gums tend to get discomfort from these rigid partials, switch to flexible dentures. There are many benefits to fit these false teeth to make your mouth beautiful. Here are some advantages to mention during a follow up with your dentist soon.
Doesn’t contain metals
The first solution to prevent allergies or adverse side effects of wearing oral health instruments is to eliminate the use of metal. As with many dentures available today, there can be differences for fixed and removable appliances. A nylon resin doesn’t have BPAs, which is the most biocompatible denture among the types.
Flexible but sturdy
Flexible partial dentures are all plastic and are unbreakable. Yet, they are more comfortable to wear when eating or talking. A rubber clasp or a perfect mould is needed to hold the shape in place. However, even if this denture isn’t breakable, it may be more prone to germs or bacteria due to its base material. Like with other dentures, it is crucial to clean your trays and denture often.
A more natural appearance
Since it doesn’t have chemicals or other metal materials that may look unnatural, the plastic denture appears better esthetically. Patients may choose to have nylon or acrylic after looking at some samples that show better teeth and gum color.
Last longer than other dentures
Since these flexible dentures are made of plastic, they are more durable and can last for more than ten years. Typically, modern dentures are digital, meaning there are more possibilities of looking at dental diseases and how flexible denture can adjust to them.
More comfortable to wear
Valplast, Flexite, TCS (IFLEX) are among what people always hear from a dental clinic. Reason being, these full or partial flexible dentures are comfortable than hard, traditional ones. Thermoplastics like acrylics are soft and thin inside the mouth and holds inside the gums properly.
Faster results of preparation
Furthermore, the benefits of having flexible dentures don’t just benefit the patients. Many doctors and dentists recommend their first-time patients to get flexible dentures so that their teeth can adjust easily. On the other hand, for dental technicians and laboratory assistants, making flexible dentures have minimal errors. This appliance shortens the time to design it as it is made of plastic materials. As a patient who needs to treat their teeth loss immediately, flexible dentures sure have benefits.
Should You Get Flexible Dentures?
It all depends on the person that requires restorative treatment? Ask your dentist for a consultation first to know if you are qualified to get this option. It may be best for older adults and seniors to get flexible dentures since their bones may not hold dentures as much as younger patients do.