You may have encountered terms such as lidocaine or local anesthesia if you’re familiar with the usual procedures of medical surgeries. These numbing medicines are great to avoid further health complications during an operation. Furthermore, the uses of xylocaine in medical treatments such as surgical procedures can only be done by highly trained medical practitioners. Today, there are available topical lidocaine anesthetic that anyone can buy from pharmacies or drugstores. However, the use of a topical lidocaine ointment needs safety precautions, such as applying the right amount of dosage in the body. Any overdosage can cause serious health complications or diseases.

You may have encountered terms such as lidocaine or local anesthesia if you’re familiar with the usual procedures of medical surgeries. These numbing medicines are great to avoid further health complications during an operation. Furthermore, the uses of xylocaine in medical treatments such as surgical procedures can only be done by highly trained medical practitioners. Today, there are available topical lidocaine anesthetic that anyone can buy from pharmacies or drugstores. However, the use of a topical lidocaine ointment needs safety precautions, such as applying the right amount of dosage in the body. Any overdosage can cause serious health complications or diseases.


What Is Topical Lidocaine?

Topical lidocaine is a local anesthetic that numbs the pain in the body. It works as a pain reliever for painful skin problems. Although it may sound similar to analgesics or anti-inflammatory medicine, it works differently as dosages should only be used on the surface of the skin and not ingested. Topical lidocaine works by blocking nerves in the body that signals the brain to experience pain. Lidocaine, Prilocaine, and similar nerve blocking solution can 


When Do You Use A Topical Lidocaine?

Insect bites cause people to scratch their skin. Frequently, the scratches result in cuts or hives in the skin. Topical lidocaine prevents further damage in the skin by numbing the side effect of the skin issue. Despite the many advantages of using this product, pregnant women and infants are not to use lidocaine for teething problems. Here are other uses that you may find useful before buying topical lidocaine. 


To Stop Itching

Topical Lidocaine

Itching is a sign that your skin is irritated with allergens, pollution, dust. Moreover, it can also indicate that your skin tissue is repairing after an accident or an injury. Postoperative care after surgery can also cause the epidermis to itch. It is vital for any person not to scratch scabs or bruises as minor cuts can cause bacterial infection. The best way to prevent yourself from scratching the area is by applying medication instead.


Treats Skin Pain Due To Burns

Sunburn or accidental burns from cooking can also cause pain. Lidocaine or hydrocortisone can be enough to stop the nerves from signaling stress and pain in the body. By the same token, skin burn may also become a medical emergency if the area bleeds or becomes a darker color. It may be best to visit an emergency room instead of buying medications to treat this problem.


For People With Eczema 

Some patients with eczema may tend to still scratch the area despite applying the said medication. Hence, you can use these alternatives the next time you feel touching eczema infected skin. Cold compress, take a bath or check with your dermatologist about your current health condition.


For Rectal Or Vaginal Discomfort

Discomfort in private areas can be crucial when it comes to treatment. Especially, possible complications of using lidocaine can be dangerous. Hence, it is best to have an expert doctor to assist in putting lidocaine for rectal or vaginal discomfort. Improper applying medicines similar to this product may even cause bleeding and muscle cramps. 


Can You Buy Topical Lidocaine Over The Counter?

OTC Topical Lidocaine is available at local groceries or drug stores without a prescription. However, a person should be careful in applying lidocaine jelly, lotions, gel, or cream. It is essential to read the label and guidelines as advised by an authorized health organization. For example, the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) warns about buying topical anesthesia. It may have serious side effects if used without consulting a medical practitioner. Families with members that have severe skin irritation, such as dermatitis or skin diseases, should always check the ingredients added into the anesthetic product. There should also be long intervals between the previous application of the anesthesia in the painful area.


Are There Harmful Effects In Using Topical Lidocaine?

The skin is a protective layer that prevents the organs and body system failure. Just like any other medications or drugs, using more than the prescribed dosage can be harmful. Ingesting anesthesia or any other sedative with high dosages can result in fatal consequences. Prevent your pet or child from swallowing the lidocaine cream or gel. Lidocaine metabolism is one of the adverse issues when it comes to applying lidocaine on skin. Since its higher concentrations are easily absorbed, there are greater chances of the average dose becoming improper. A person who badly needs this medicine should always be responsible for maintaining the treatment. 


How To Use Topical Lidocaine

While lidocaine is present in hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities, the private use of lidocaine is allowed by global health authorities. As a private consumer of this anesthetic, it is your responsibility to follow these guidelines. Squeeze a small amount of the topical lidocaine into the area where you experience the pain. Use your finger or a cotton swab to extract the jelly or cream and apply it to the item. Store the product at room temperature and avoid direct contact with sunlight and moisture. It is also not recommended to use lidocaine on areas where deep puncture wounds or swollen are present. If you are unsure of your medication instructions, consider asking your pharmacist about the steps.  


Other Side Effects Of Topical Lidocaine (Constant/Improper Usage)

Topical Lidocaine Treatment

Lidocaine is safe if the patient knows what she or she should be doing. Yet, many people overlook the possibility of overdosing anesthetics. Did you know that anesthesia can cause severe health concerns? You may find yourself struggling to breathe correctly if you are not being careful with using your OTC lidocaine product. Improper use of lidocaine, Prilocaine, or other viscous numbing medicines can undoubtedly lead to death. Here are other examples of health diseases that a person may encounter while using lidocaine from over the counter.

  • Swelling Of Skin
  • Difficulty In Breathing
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Worsening Rash On Tongue, Face, Throat
  • Seizures Or Cardiac Arrest


Contact Your Doctor In Case Of Emergency

If you feel any symptoms, as indicated in the information above, it is best to go to a hospital or emergency room right away. Other drugs that a person is currently using may also conflict with the local anesthetic. If you find yourself feeling that the side effect is like poison, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Observing the maximum use of local anesthesia to numb and relieve the expected conditions of pain is highly recommended.

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Agatha Hansen

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