Hospital emergency room is different from urgent care clinic. Understanding the difference between the two can help you get the proper care. Keep reading to learn more about when to go to an urgent care clinic and when to call 911 for an emergency condition.

Hospital emergency room is different from urgent care clinic. Understanding the difference between the two can help you get the proper care. Keep reading to learn more about when to go to an urgent care clinic and when to call 911 for an emergency condition.


Emergency vs. Urgency

Sometimes, it is hard to tell between the need for urgent care or emergency emergency room

As a general rule, when the condition seems life-threatening, like poisoning or a heart attack, the person should go to the emergency department. On the other hand, those serious conditions but not life-threatening can go to a walk-in clinic to get proper treatment.

Furthermore, keep in mind to call 911 if the situation seems immediately life-threatening.


Emergency Department

Every hospital has an emergency department. It is an area trauma hospital that caters to various forms of medical emergencies.

Whenever a medical condition or accident happens, you need to know how bad your situation is and how soon to get medical care. This can help you identify whether it is ideal to:

  • Go to an urgent care clinic
  • Call your health care provider
  • Go to an emergency department immediately

Treatment in emergency rooms can cost 2 to 3 times more than similar care in your provider’s office. So, consider these things to help you go to the right place.


Signs of Medical Emergency

Identifying an emergency medical problem is crucial. If a person could die or lead to permanent disability, it is an emergency case.

Generally, you have to call 911 or go to an emergency department to get emergency medicine or immediate care treatment for the following:

  • Choking
  • Severe burn
  • Electric shock or lightning strike
  • Injury to spine or neck, especially if there is loss of feeling or inability to move
  • Head injury with passing out, confusion, or fainting
  • Seizure
  • Severe chest pain or pressure
  • Trouble breathing
  • Stopped breathing
  • Passing out, fainting
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Suddenly weak or drooping on one side of the body
  • Suddenly not able to see, speak, walk, or move
  • Inhaled poisonous fumes
  • Coughing or throwing up blood
  • A possible broken bone, loss of movement, particularly if the bone is pushing through the skin
  • Severe allergic reaction with trouble breathing, swelling, hives
  • Extreme pain anywhere on the body
  • High fever that does not get better with medication
  • High fever with headache and stiff neck
  • Poisoning or overdose of drug or alcohol
  • Throwing up or diarrheas that do not stop
  • Suicidal thoughts


What To Bring

Prepare the following when you go to the hospital emergency department:

  • The name of your doctor
  • Insurance cards
  • A rundown of any drugs to which you are allergic
  • A list of all medications and supplements you are taking, and the amount of each
  • The name and contact number of any pharmacy used for your prescriptions
  • A state ID card, passport, or driver’s license
  • Credit card


What to Expect

Going to an area trauma hospital can be stressful and overwhelming. In any case, here is an outline of four significant steps patients can expect during a visit to the hospital emergency department:



The triage system guides the registered nurses, called triage nurses, to see patients according to the seriousness of their condition. This method permits patients with life-threatening situations to The doctors are rushing the patient to the emergency seen first.



After a nurse evaluates the condition, a registration clerk gets essential information about the patient.


Medical Care

If available, the patient will go to an exam room for treatment. If unavailable, the patient will need to wait in the waiting room until one is accessible.

Providing emergency care may not depend on the order in which patients arrived. Life-threatening conditions are always seen right away.



If not admitted to the hospital, patients will get after-care guidelines to follow at home. It is significant that the patient comprehends and adheres to these directions and the subsequent care information.


Urgent Care Clinic

Do not wait too long to get compassionate care if you have a health issue or are in pain. If your condition is not risking disability or life-threatening, but you are concerned about it, go to an urgent care clinic.

The sorts of issues an urgent care clinic can handle incorporate:

  • Common illnesses, such as flu, colds, sore throats, earaches, low-grade fevers, migraines, and limited rashes
  • Minor injuries, like back pain, sprains, minor broken bones, minor cuts and burns, or minor eye injuries


Talk To A Doctor

Always prepare the number of your emergency provider. This will help you be ready, especially in times of emergency such as an accident or injury.

Suppose you are unsure what to do and do not have any severe conditions mentioned above. Then, in that case, call your provider or health care office near your area. If the office is not open, your call might be forwarded to someone else. Explain your symptoms to the one who answers your call, and ask them what you should do.

Moreover, getting regular health checkups can help prevent emergencies associated with your health. This will also help keep your body healthy and active.




Where can I get an emergency supply of medicine?

What Is a Triage Nurse?

What to know about trauma levels.

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Agatha Hansen

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